


刚刚翻看The Items We Carry群组的时候看到这张图片

My grandfather once lead me into his study and sat me down. Snatching my glasses from my face, "a gentlemen always keeps his glasses clean" a snide remark. Pulling a handkerchief from his back left pocket wiping them off he says, "a gentleman always carries a handkerchief, not just to blow your nose, its uses are endless. Wear a wristwatch not just to keep time but to lose it. Always have a small folding knife, remember your not Rambo. Keep just the keys of necessity and a small light. Have your wallet on you at all times with CASH in it, you never know when your plastic will be no good or you have to chip in on a bill." As he handed back my glasses he walked away with out his knife or handkerchief, “keep them” he said "its time for dinner." I carry them to this day. A few nights later was Christmas where my dad gave me that Bulova watch. I always change out the knife and watch but this is my favorite EDC.


顺手查了一下该品牌,男人帮论坛里某毒舌说:宝路华(Bulova)的手表。是瑞士品牌。曾经制造了第一支音叉表,70年代前还是不错的。尤其在亚洲南洋地区(新加坡、马来西亚等)认知度还是很高的。但是在石英手表的冲击下,也和当时很多瑞士手表厂商一样成为了牺牲品。进入90年代后,该品牌被亚洲商人收购:中南集团收购罗马 ROMA,宝路华 BULOVA(1993)。成为“复活”的品牌,现在宣传力度倒是很大。使用ETA的廉价芯装机。品质一般吧。

wiki链接戳这里:Bulova - wikipedia 

"Have your wallet on you at all times with CASH in it, you never know when your plastic will be no good or you have to chip in on a bill."

